Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mp3 Downloading easy - Highspeed Music download

The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player is a revolutionary device made exclusively for swimmers who want to listen to music while swimming without the music becoming distorted or the device shorting out from water damage. The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player is designed much differently as it consists of two ear bud devices that go into your ears, and storage is only sufficient enough to store 32 MP3 file songs. Nevertheless if you are a competitive swimmer who would like to listen to music during workout sessions the Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player is a one of a kind device that makes listening to music during swimming a reality with advanced technology to create exceptional sound quality like you've never heard before, at a price that's affordable enough for even the casual swimmer.

Product Rating:

Sound: 8.5/10 Stars

Ease of Use: 8.5/10 Stars

Durability: 9.5/10 Stars

Portability: 8.5/10 Stars

Battery Life: 9.5/10 Stars

Main Product Features:

The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player is small in terms of storage space, but the device really shines in terms of technology. The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player uses a new technology called bone conduction to transfer the sound directly through the swimmers check bones, which creates a crystal clear audio reception unlike any others. This technology is what separates the Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player from other devices, which only deliver muffled sound to the swimmer. The storage space isn't very large, as you can only store 32 songs in the MP3 file format, but the sound quality is exceptional enough to make up for the short comings.

Included in the box are the two ear bud stylish devices needed for operation and a USB dongle, both of these devices combine to create the Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player, and both devices feature an internal battery which is good for 4 hrs of operation. The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player has blazing fast upload times thanks to USB 2.0 connectivity but you can also use this device with a USB 1.0 computer or notebook. If you enjoy swimming but you cannot listen to your favorite tunes the Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player is a waterproof solution that might just be perfect for you, and with the stellar sound quality you just can't go wrong with this choice.

Purchase Information:

The Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player can be purchased at most national electronics retailers for $99.00, and you can also purchase the Finis SwiMP3 128 MB MP3 Player at several online retailers.

Welcome to my Mp3 Downlaod Blog - Highspeed Sounds downloads

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